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Dr. Małgorzata Szajbel-Keck

  • Mono-/multilingual language policies in Europe: theory and practice (WiSe 2022/23)
  • Literarisches Übersetzen im deutsch-polnischen Kulturdialog (SoSe 2022)
  • Language and neutrality - communicating with(out) gender bias (WiSe 2021/22)
  • Languages, Dialects and Varieties: Introduction to the Slavic World (WiSe 2020/21, BA)
  • Literaturübersetzung / Tłumaczenie literackie (SoSe 2020, BA)
  • Language and Politics: Native, National and Standard Language (WiSe 2019/20, MA)
  • Socjolingwistyka. Wprowadzenie (SoSe 2019, BA)
  • Multilingual (?) Europe: language policies in European countries (WiSe 2018/19, MA)
  • Tłumaczenie literackie: teoria i praktyka. Literarisches Übersetzen: Theorie und Praxis (SoSe 2018, BA)
  • Elements of sociolinguistics - native, national, and standard languages (WiSe 2017/18, BA)
  • Language varieties as markers of social and cultural borders in Poland and beyond (SoSe 2017, MA)
  • Minority and regional languages in Europe (WiSe 2016/17, BA)
  • Language in transition? Polish propaganda from the late State Socialism until now (SoSe 2016, BA)
  • Teoria i praktyka przekładu literackiego na przykładzie tłumaczeń polsko-niemieckich [Theory and practice of German-Polish literary translation] (SoSe 2016, BA)
  • How many Slavic languages are there? Tensions between typology and politics (WiSe 2015/16, BA)
  • Kontakt językowy w Europie Centralnej [Language contact in Central Europe] (SoSe 2015, BA)
  • Osobliwości języka polskiego [Peculiarities of Polish grammar] (SoSe 2014, BA)
  • Advanced Polish (SoSe 2014)
  • Language change: Polish in contact with other languages (WiSe 2013/14, BA)

Betreute Bachelorarbeiten

Betreute Masterarbeiten