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Interdisciplinary Polish Studies 3

Band3_190 ©Marte Kiessling / Denny Rosenthal

Christina Elschner, Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast, Stephan Kudert, (Ed.):
Unternehmensbesteuerung in Ostmitteleuropa: Bestandaufnahme, Entwicklungen und praktische Fragen nach 10 Jahren EU-Osterweiterung / Opodatkowanie przedsiębiorstw w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej: stan obecny, tendencje i aspekty praktyczne 10 lat po rozszerzeniu, Berlin 2015

Due to the eastern enlargement of the EU and the free movement of workers between East Central Europe and Germany since 2011, the participation of these countries in cross-border investments has significantly grown in the EU. The Institute for Central and East European Taxation (I CEE Tax) shows with these conference proceedings that the need for expert knowledge in tax, social security and labor law of these countries has considerably increased. The articles collected in this volume contribute to the intensive transfer of knowledge between business and academic research.

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