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Konstanty Gebert

Konstanty Gebert, “From Martial Law to Round Table: The historical legacy of 1980s Poland”

26.11.2012, 6pm, AM 104

Konstanty Gebert is a journalist for one of Poland’s largest dailies, Gazeta Wyborcza, as well as a prominent Polish-Jewish intellectual and activist in Poland. A witness of the March 1968 demonstrations, Gebert later became a dissident and leading figure in the Solidarity movement, as well as one of the organizers of the Flying University. He also served as an accredited independent journalist at the Round Table discussions which led to the fall of communism in 1989. In the 1990s, he served under Tadeusz Mazowiecki, and was a lead war correspondent during the Yugoslav wars. In this talk—*held in English*—Konstanty Gebert will explore the sources and legacies of 1989 in Poland.

Q&A in English, Polish, and German

For more information, contact:
Mark Keck-Szajbel
Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies
Tel.  +49 335 5534 2446 or 2445