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Antje Wilke, M.A.

Antje_Wilke ©Heide Fest

Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien (ZIP)
Student resarch assistant

Antje Wilke has been part of the ZIP team since fall 2019 and has been studying in the Master's program in Sociocultural Studies at the European University Viadrina since winter semester 2018/19. She completed her Bachelor's degree at Martin Luther University Halle in Intercultural European and American Studies and Ethnology. She wrote her Bachelor's thesis at the Aleksander-Brückner Center for Polish Studies on the World War II Museum debate in Gdańsk.

After more extended stays abroad in Gdańsk and Wrocław, she is working in Frankfurt (Oder), mainly on the German-Polish border, GDR and post-socialist transformation, from a cultural and social science perspective.

She is also active in the museum sector, cultural and art mediation and has focused on Scandinavian topics since a volunteer service in Norway in 2018.

Große Scharrnstraße 23a
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
🏠 GS 311
☏ +49 335 5534 2638