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Dr. Anna M. Steinkamp

Anna Steinkamp ©Heide Fest

Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien (ZIP)
Academic Research Fellow

Anna M. Steinkamp studied Business Administration with a focus on Management and Marketing at the University of Łódź in Poland and Master of European Studies at the Faculty of Economics of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder). From 2005-2013 she was an independent management consultant and owner of a German-Polish consulting company. In 2013-2017, she researched the sociology of management (the connection between successful internationalization strategies of independent companies and competencies/resources of managing directors) at the Chair of Comparative Sociology within the framework of a PhD scholarship. In 2018, she was awarded her PhD by the European University Viadrina. Currently, Anna M. Steinkamp is researching entrepreneurial habitus dispositions in the transition generation from state to post-socialism (German-Polish comparison).

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15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
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