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Konrad Jacek Walerski, M.A.

Konrad_Walerski ©Heide Fest

Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien (ZIP)
Academic Research Fellow and Ph.D.-Student

Konrad J. Walerski is a research fellow and PhD student at the ZIP since 2019. Between 2011 and 2014 he studied German philology and intercultural German studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). In 2018 he completed Intercultural Communication Studies (Magister) and Languages, Communication and Cultures in Europe (Master).

His scientific interests include: the history of German-Polish relations, European research, civilization theory and philosophy of history.

At the ZIP, Mr. Walerski works in the framework of the BMBF project „Modernisierungsblockaden in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft in der DDR“ and is engaged in the study of Polish sociology at the time of state socialism and its importance for the modernization challenges in economy and society.

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15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
🏠 GS 310
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