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Interdisciplinary Polish Studies 11


Falk Flade, Anna M. Steinkamp, Konrad Walerski (Hg.)

Transformation in Polen und Ostdeutschland. Voraussetzungen, Verlauf und Ergebnisse, Wiesbaden 2022

The political upheaval in Central and Eastern Europe more than 30 years ago led to an epochal shift that has come to be called the post-socialist or post-communist transformation. It involved very substantial social, political and economic changes. This volume focuses on two examples of that systemic transformation, namely the cases of Poland and the former East Germany. The emphasis is on the historical preconditions, the course and the results of the transformation process in particular fields, including foreign trade, entrepreneurship, and scientific systems. Taken as a whole, the fifteen individual studies contained in the volume will contribute to the comparative study of the transformation in these two countries.

This book was published with support from: Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Publikationsfonds für Open-Access-Monografien des Landes Brandenburg and the European Solidarity Centre.

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