Interdisciplinary Polish Studies 6
Mark Keck-Szajbel, Ondřej Klípa, Alexander Simmeth (eds.):
Cultures in Times of Transition. East Central Europe after 1989 / Kultury w czasach transformacji. Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia po 1989 roku, Słubice 2018
“Cultures in Times of Transition” explores how the transformations of the 1980s and 1990s affected everyday life for citizens on both sides of the Iron Curtain; how ideas of “the other” circulated before and after the fall of the wall; and what a future utopia looked like for citizens of the East. These contributions range from the history of agricultural change, urban studies, linguistics, and legal history. They mirror the broadness of questions concerning the transition, but also hint at the heterochronous nature of those transformations.
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