11th Tensions of Europe Conference, 19 to 21 September 2024

Conference theme: Transformations. Fundamental Change and Technology

We live in a world of constant change. There are periods, however, of accelerated change in the political, economic, social or technological sphere. Usually, these spheres are closely interrelated and entangled. If this change is of fundamental character, scientists usually speak of ´transformations´. Common examples are the political and economic system changes, i.e. transformations, in Latin America, Southern Europe or Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the past decades.

The aim of the conference is to shed light on technological, but also political, societal and environmental sides of these transformations in Europe and other regions in past and present. Technology can be a major factor to enhance, slow down or ease such transformations. Processes of circulation and appropriation of knowledge, ideas and artefacts provide a broad field of research to better understand aspects of political, societal or environmental transformations in connection with technology. Special attention can be paid to the following themes: (1) technologies as a driver of political, societal or environmental changes or as an obstacle, (2) technological “revolutions”, transitions and “transformations” and their impact on politics, societies and environment, (3) discourses on (technological) changes, especially with regard to sustainability.

Call for Paper 

Important dates

Publication of CfP: 1 September 2023

Deadline for proposal submissions: 30 November 2023

Notification of decisions: February 2024

Deadline for registration and hotel booking: 31 May 2024


Summer school: 16 to 19 September 2024 

Conference: 19 to 21 September 2024


Download detailed programme as PDF (19.07.2024)

Thursday, 19 September 2024
Locations: Große Scharrnstraße 23a GS, Collegium Polonicum CP

09:00-12:30 Summer School (last day), Location: Große Scharrnstraße 23a (GS 105)

10:30-12:30 Registration, Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff Foyer (GD Foyer)

12:30-13:30 Lunch, Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff canteen (GD Mensa)

13:30-16:00 City tour, field/boat trips

15:00-17:00 Registration, Location: Collegium Polonicum (CP Foyer)

17:00-17:15 Welcome and introduction, Location: Auditorium Maximum Collegium Polonicum (CP Aula)

17:15-18:4Round Table: Co-Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe in Past and Present, Location: Auditorium Maximum Collegium Polonicum (CP Aula)

19:00-21:00 Welcome reception, Location: Collegium Polonicum (CP Foyer)

Friday, 20 September 2024
Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff (GD)


1.1: “Towards sustainability of global resources, fair trade and global justice? (I)” (Alexakis/Fotopoulos/Arapostathis, Veraart/Kip/Van den Borre/Bouwens, Heymann), Location: GD Hs3

1.2: “Datafying the environment. Datafying the oceans (I)” (Ljungberg, Camprubí/Lima, Cirac-Claveras, Höhler, Isern, Meyer), Location: GD Hs8

1.3: “Transitions and Transformations in Energy History. Turning Points in Energy History (I)” (Melsted, Fischer-Kowalski, Nygaard, Kupper, Buns, Hasenöhrl), Location: GD 102

1.4: “A history of Artificial Intelligence” (Tympas, tba, tba, tba, tba), Location: GD 202

1.5: “Unpacking Sustainability and Resilience” (Moss, Emanuel, Hommels, Masabo, Petrova, Van der Straeten), Location: GD 203

1.6: Digitalization: (Kopeć, Papanastasiou/Raptis/Vlantoni, Schafer, Schmitt/Settele), Location: GD 204


Coffee break, Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff (GD Aula)


2.1: “Towards sustainability of global resources, fair trade and global justice? (II)” (Ihediwa, Kochetkova, Janáč), Location: GD Hs3

2.2: “Datafying the environment. Data and resources (II)” (Cirac-Claveras, Álvarez, Gorostiza, Ljungberg, Hanifi, Milford), Location: GD Hs8

2.3: “Transitions and Transformations in Energy History. The Making of Natural and Biological Gas (II)” (Åberg, Kuijt, Groß, Marrec, de Chirico), Location: GD 102

2.4: Transport (Burchardt, Leipert, Olawale/Saibu, Siegrist), Location: GD 202

2.5: “Decline, Change and Ascent” (Krebs, Häberle, Konsbruck, Neuscheler, Arendt), Location: GD 203

2.6: Food and Health (Stoilova, Karantzavelou, Lallier, Chatzimichali/Vlantoni), Location: GD 204


Lunch break, Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff canteen (GD Mensa)


3.1: “Towards sustainability of global resources, fair trade and global justice? (III)” (Lajus, Erazo Acosta/Arteaga, Kechrimparis/Kazantzas/Tympas), Location: GD Hs3

3.2: “Datafying the environment. Data and governance (III)” (Höhler, Gray, Groll, Leclerc, Panoutsopoulos, Thiel), Location: GD Hs8

3.3: “Transitions and Transformations in Energy History. Transformations of Petrocultures (III)” (Meyer, Åberg, Melsted, Karampatsos), Location: GD 102

3.4: “Climates of Waste” (Hameeteman, Agarwal, Dhawan, Fazzi, Lundsteen, Müller), Location: GD 202

3.5: Environment (Ďurčo, Klüppelberg, Perga, Perpinyà), Location: GD 203

3.6: “Enlightening transformations through histories of technology (I)” (Weber, Priebe, Van de Voort, Driesse, de Hoop), Location: GD 204


Coffee break, Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff (GD Aula)


4.1: Industrialization (Dekker, Kefalas, Pozzi, Sanvitale), Location: GD Hs3

4.2: “Maintenance and Repair Studies” (Drengk, Meiske, Krebs, Pulas), Location: GD Hs8

4.3: “Transitions and Transformations in Energy History. Energy Infrastructures (IV)” (Kupper, Scoppola, Kazantzas/Vartziotis/Tympas, Meyer, Hasenöhrl), Location: GD 102

4.4: Management of water, projects, climate and injuries (Arapostathis/Fotopoulos/Lagouvardos/Karantzavelou, Leimbach, Loureiro, Okhotnikova), Location: GD 202

4.5: ICT (Ambrosiani, Cavcic, Noguera, Wróbel), Location: GD 203

4.6: “Enlightening transformations through histories of technology (II)” (Moss, Kalmbach/Frysztacka), Location: GD 204


Open meeting of the Management Committee of Tensions of Europe, Location: GD 102

Saturday, 21 September 2024
Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff (GD), Logensaal (LH)


5.1: “Pylos” (Jajeśniak-Quast, Lafazani, Passoth, Tympas), Location: GD Hs3

5.2: “Concern for sustainable development” (Idziak, Kamosiński, Bieniek-Majka, Polcyn/Stępień), Location: GD Hs8

5.3: “Regulating Transport” (Damm, Franke, Werchohlad), Location: GD 102

5.4: “Failures of economic integration” (Nygaard, Mørkved, Aven, Johansson, Sahrakorpi), Location: GD 202

5.5: “Peat-Use in Europe” (Lempinen, Sparenberg, Toomey), Location: GD 203

5.6: Language and Media (Bassett, Höfer, Stoneman, Swietlik), Location: GD 204


Coffee break, Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff (GD Aula)


6.1: “Military Technologies” (Johnston, Stránský, Nigrin), Location: GD Hs3

6.2: “Urban Infrastructure” (Arndt, Hansen, Salm, Zimmer), Location: GD Hs8

6.3: “New Perspectives on Nuclear Culture” (Kalmbach, Nielsen, Götter, Kramer, Ingvarsdóttir), Location: GD 102

6.4: “Maintenance and Repair” (Enne, Evens, Meiske, Russell, Weber, Young), Location: GD 202

6.5: “Sustainability´s ´Other´” (Akallah, Bagde, Greenwood, Jehlička, Van der Straeten, Van der Vleuten), Location: GD 203

6.6: Waterways and Railways (Aven/Nygaard, Zivkovic, Gärdebo/Matala, Musekamp), Location: GD 204


Lunch break, Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff canteen (GD Mensa)


7.1: “Lightning talks” (Fickers, Jajeśniak-Quast, Krebs, Laborie, Sanvitale, Griset, Schafer, Tympas, Van der Vleuten, Wormbs), Location: GD Hs3

7.2: “A multivectorial Driver of Change” (Elli, Lehtonen, Orsini, Podsadowski, Burigana, Krige), Location: GD Hs8

7.3: “Coal in Interwar Europe” (Högselius/Musso/Piahanau, Piahanau, Henriques, İnal, Łazor), Location: GD 102


Coffee break, Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff (GD Aula)


Keynote: Helmuth Trischler: “Writing Transformative Envirotech History in the Anthropocene: Provocations and Opportunities”, Location: Logensaal (LH)


Closing remarks, Location: Logensaal (LH)


Conference dinner, Location: Gräfin-Dönhoff canteen (GD Mensa)

Day 0, September 16 (Monday)

19:00 Welcome dinner (meeting point in front of university building Große Scharrnstraße 23a)


Day 1, September 17 (Tuesday)

Location: Große Scharrnstraße 23a

9:00-9:30 Registration

9:30-10:30 Session 1 - Opening lecture: "East/West encounters in the history of technology: Tensions and transformations" (prof. Aristotle Tympas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, European University Viadrina)

10:30-11:00 coffee break

11:00-12:30 Session 2 - Workshop: “Your PhD in 3 minutes, part 1” (prof. Aristotle Tympas; dr. Silvan Pollozek, European University Viadrina; ToE ECS)

12:30-13:30 lunch

13:30-15:00 Session 3 - Workshop: “Your PhD in 3 minutes, part 2” (prof. Aristotle Tympas; dr. Silvan Pollozek, European University Viadrina; ToE ECS)

15:00-15:30 coffee break

15:30-17:00 Session 4 - Workshop: “Setting up a collaborative research article or project” (ToE ECS)


Day 2, September 18 (Wednesday)

09:00 Meeting (trip to Berlin by train)

11:00-12:30 Session 5 - Lecture and workshop - “Jobs beyond academia”

“Career perspectives within science communication for early career STS/history of technology scholars”, dr. Karena Kalmbach, head of strategy and content, Futurium Museum; “Career paths into the museum for early career STS/history of technology scholars”, dr. Nora Thorade, curator, Deutsches Technikmuseum)

12:30-13:30 lunch break

13:30-16:00 Visit to Futurium Museum


Day 3, September 19 (Thursday)

Location: Große Scharrnstraße 23a

9:00-10:30 Session 6 - Lecture and workshop: “Investigating change in the History of Technology” (dr. Anna Åberg, Chalmers University of Technology; dr. Hugo Pereira, NOVA University Lisbon)

10:30-10:45 short coffee break

10:45-11:00 ToE mentorship programme and other activities for early career scholars (dr. Tirza Meyer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology; ToE ECS)

11:00-12:30 Session 7 - Closing Discussion: “Envisioning the Future of the Past Together: Future Directions in the History of Technology” (prof. Valérie Schafer, C2DH, University of Luxembourg)


Co-Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe in Past and Present, Location: Auditorium Maximum Collegium Polonicum


Collegium Polonicum Aula


Miglė Bareikytė (European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder)

Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast (European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder)

Valeria Korablyova (Charles University Prague)

Jan-Hendrik Passoth (moderation) (European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder)


Writing Transformative Envirotech History in the Anthropocene: Provocations and Opportunities



Key Note speaker

Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler (Deutsches Museum Munich)

Live Stream



Please follow this Link for registration: https://forms.europa-uni.de/form/provide/1567/

Important information

Special conference rates are offered at the hotels below. The special rates are working on a first come, first served basis, and early booking is recommended (booking code: ToE24; booking deadline: 31. May 2024)

Available hotels:


Conference organisers

Anna Åberg
Alexander Gall
Falk Flade
Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast
Karena Kalmbach
Sławomir Kamosiński
Claudia Kraft
Léonard Laborie
Darina Malová
Tirza Meyer
Jan-Hendrik Passoth
Ginevra Sanvitale
Valérie Schafer
Katerina Vlantoni


For further information, please contact the ToE24 secretariat

  • European University Viadrina; Große Scharrnstraße 59; 15230 Frankfurt (Oder); Germany
  • toe24@europa-uni.de